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Author Guidelines
1. The contributions should be original and not published earlier or submitted elsewhere for publication simultaneously.
2. Each contribution should carry an informative title followed by name, designation and affiliation of the contributor(s) with address and email ID. The contributions should also carry a passport size photo of the contributor(s).
3. The corresponding author should submit the manuscript in soft copy only to the Editor via e- mail at
4. The manuscript should be sent in MS Word file only (No pdf).For English manuscript -Style-Times New Roman, Font size -12, Line spacing-1.5. For Hindi manuscript - style- Kruti Dev 010, font size-14, Line spacing-1.5
5 .The author should follow APA style of reference for preparation of manuscript.
6. The decision of the Editorial Board will be final regarding acceptance or rejection of any manuscript.
7. The forum does not charge any publication fee to the author(s). Further, “lisforum_orissa” is not a profit-making web-based forum.
8 .The Editorial Board follows a strict plagiarism policy. All the manuscripts will be checked in Turnitin plagiarism checker and manuscripts with more than 10% similarity will not be accepted for publication.
Last date of Submission of manuscript -10th October 2022
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