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The lisforum_orissa started on 25th  October 2006 from Bhubaneswar, Odisha as mailing list group in ( on, it shifted to Facebook group on 25th September 2019,


The website of the forum is  


This forum is a web based forum for LIS professionals, teachers, researchersand students to share ideas, knowledge, messages, information etc. with each other for the development of LIS profession and professionals. The moto of the forum is to provide a platform to the aforesaid communities to address issues on Library and Information Science and service; day-to-day problems of libraries and information centers; resource sharing among libraries; and generation of new ideas on LIS.


Communication e-mail id : 


List of Annual Issues

2011: LIS education and Future of Libraries
2012: Lis profession : Theory vs Practice
2013: Indian librarianship: state and status
2014: Contemporary librarians need back to basics
2015: Increasing gaps between haves and have-nots libraries
2016: Digital India: Solution for Salubrity of libraries?”
2017: Librarianship: an avenue for professional, semi-professional or dummy professional?
2018: Information need satisfiers: The unsatisfied themselves?
2019: Is Librarianship in peril ?
2020: Lackadaisical atmosphere in Indian Librarianship: Who is to walk extra?
2021: Future of Indian Librarianship: Progressive, Regressive or Compulsive?
2022: Is Librarianship a Material on Tender?
2023: Blended Librarianship: Its Phenomenology in Indian Library Ecosystem

2024: Library Development in India: Delusion vs Reality

Please join with our social media group

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© 2023 by lisforum_orissa. 

Website manage by

    Bibhuti Bhusan Maharana

    Librarian, Govt. ETEI Kishorenagar, 

    Angul, Odisha


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